Sharapova forbids sex to her sparring partner

OK, Ok, we know it, Maria a super sexy tennis player, but that was a bit strange!

The Russian Beauty has just hired a new sparring partner, Dieter Kindlmann, that had to sign a clause that he can’t have sexual intercourse with anyone during the contract.

This sounds a bit (a lot) strange, but maybe Maria had some problems in the past…because … beacuse of that!

From the trainer

Dieter commented  “My job is not easy, but Maria is everything but a diva. She tries to protect me from the external world, and she is very nice.”

Then the German added something more “It doesn’t matter where Maria is, everywhere all eyes are for her. Anyway, she’s very happy with her boyfriend and until now my presence didn’t provoke jealous episodes between the two.”… is he talking about Grigor Dimitrov?
