Gulbis is definitely a character and take it or leave it is not boring at all… but he thinks somebody else is… and he is talking about the big 4s!

They are boring

During a recent interview to L’Equipe Mad Max said 

“I respect Roger , Rafa , Novak and Murray but, for me, all four of them are boring players,” said “Their interviews are boring.

“Honestly, they are no good. I often go on YouTube to watch interviews but with tennis, I quickly stop. It is a joke.”

Federer started the boring trend

“It is Federer who started this fashion. He has a superb image of the perfect Swiss gentleman. I repeat, I respect Federer but I don’t like it that young players try to imitate him. When I hear them answer like Roger, I am terrified by phrases like ‘I had a little bit more success at certain moments and that is how I won.’ said the Latvian

Not interest in appearing nice

“I have no interest in appearing nice. On the court, it is a war. Off court, no problem. I have a good relationship with most of the players. But I want to say what I think. And if my prognosis is that I am going to win the match, it doesn’t bother me to say so.”

Tennis has to be like boxing

“I would like interviews to be more like in boxing. OK, maybe those guys are not the most brilliant on earth but, when they face each other down at the weigh-in, they bring what the fans want. War, blood, emotion.

“That’s missing in tennis, where everything is clean and white with polite handshakes and some nice shots. The people want to see broken rackets and hear outbursts on the court.”he added

Ernest is definitely not boring.. 

Gulbis smashing skills….