When Genie Bouchard was red hot dressing up Baywatch way. PICTURES, VIDEO

Genie Bouchard loking hot when dressed up in red. PICTURES AND VIDEOS

Genie Boucahrd Halloween

Genie Bouchard has always loved dressing up in all sorts of fashions to delight her fans. The Canadian beauty has posted pictures and videos on Instagram dressed up like a mermaid, a cowgirl, the devil (for Halloween of course).

Probably one of the weirdest (and cringeworthy?) was when Genie and her friends dressed up as a Baywatch crew.

What else?

Genie Bouchard Hot In RedGenie Boucahrd With FriendsGenie Bouchard In Baywatch VersionGenie Bouchard Hot In Red


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Eugenie Bouchard in 2020

Eugenie Bouchard Stats info

Ranked no.141, Bouchard played her last match on the 20th of October when she had to retire when playing against Katie Volynets in the qualifications and the scoreline was 6-4 3-0 .

Eugenie Bouchard’s most significant performance of the current year was reaching the final in Istanbul.