Jack Sock gets married to his stunning girlfriend Laura Little. PICTURES

Jack Sock is a married man. See who is his wife Laura Little. PICTURES

Laura Little Married Jack Sock

Jack Sock is a married man! The American finally tied the knot with his stunning girlfriend Laura Little. Jack and Laura got engaged last year. Laura used to be a competitive dancer for 12 years and a cheerleader for 7. She was also Miss North Carolina in 2019.

Jack broke the news of his wedding on Instagram with the following message: “I’m the luckiest guy to be able to look into your eyes forever ❤️ today is the day!”

Laura Little Married Jack SockLaura Little In Bikini

Here some pictures of Jack and Laura from their Instagram.

Laura Little And Jack SockLaura Little On The Beach In White BikiniLaura Little Gorgeous In Bikini On The BeachLaura Little For A Race Day

Jack Sock in 2020

Jack Sock Stats info

Now ranked no.253, Jack played his last match on the 12th of November when he was overcome by Prajnesh Gunneswaran 6-73 6-2 7-65 in the 2nd round of the Cary Challenger (draw).

Jack Sock’s most significant performance of the present season was reaching the final in the Indian Wells Challenger.