Andrey Rublev bio, parents, coach, girlfriend and net worth

Here a bio about Andrey Rublev including his latest updates and pictures about his girlfriend Anastasija Homutova

Andrey Rublev And His Girlfriend

Andrey Rublev is having a rather complicated but interesting fortnight at the French Open. The Russian champion survived a tricky 1st round after being down 2 sets against Sam Querry to reach the quarters and face Stefanos Tsitsipas. His next encounter against the Greek ace is the rematch of their recent final in Hamburg, where Rublev won an impossible match after trailing 3-5 in the decider. Here a brief bio of Rublev.

Rublev upbringing, his mother and father, and coaches

Andrey was born in Moscow (Russia) on the 20th of October 1997 to Andrey Rublev Sr. and Marina Marenko. Sport is definitely in Andrey’s blood. His father is a former professional boxer turned restaurateur while his mother is a tennis coach. Outside tennis, Rublev has a passion for boxe inherited from his father with a strong interest in Mike Tyson. Rublev coach used to be Belarusian Sergey Tarasevich, but they parted ways in 2016. Fernando Vicente currently coaches the Russian.

Rublev’s girlfriend and pictures

Andrey has been dating for a few years his girlfriend Anastasija Homutova, which is also a tennis player that sometimes competes at ITF level.

Andrey Rublev With GirlfriendAndrey Rublev With Girlfriend AnastasijaAndrey Rublev With GirfriendAndrey Rublev With His Girfriend Anastasija HomutovaRublev With His Girlfriend Anastasija HomutovaNet worth

It’s not clear how much is Rublev’s net worth. As of now, he has won $5,727,840 in prize money. However, he also has lucrative contracts with Wilson (racked) and Nike for his tennis outfits. Andrey will add at least 283.500 euros to his wealth after reaching the quarter-final of the actual French Open.

Rublev at the French Open, ranking, and results in 2020

Andrey Rublev Stats info

Currently ranked no.12 (career-high), Rublev has a 29-6 win-loss record in 2020. Rublev is now having a run at the French Open where he beat Sam Querrey 6-75 6-74 7-5 6-4 6-3, Alejandro Davidovich Fokina 7-5 6-1 3-6 6-1, Kevin Anderson 6-3 6-2 6-3 and Marton Fucsovics 6-74 7-5 6-4 7-63.

Andrey Rublev will take on Tsitsipas in the quarter. The head to head is 3-1 for Rublev.

Andrey conquered 3 titles in 2020 in Doha, in Adelaide and in Hamburg. Rublev won 5 titles in his career: 2 on hard courts, 2 on clay courts and 1 on indoor courts. (See the list of his titles)