Nadal is still struggling with his knee

Still struggling.. unfortunately. Rafa admitted that he is still bothered by his knee even after winning in Sao Paulo.

This definitely raises some doubts about his ability to compete on hard courts (and long) tournaments. As of now we can’t see Rafa playing huge epics against strong baseliners such as Djokovic and Murray. His knee wouldn’t hold.

In a recent interview Rafa said 

“The knee isn’t 100 per cent. It’s better and I’ve been able to compete, but it’s still bothering me,” Nadal told said.

“It’s better on some days and worse on others, which isn’t ideal for someone like me, because my idea of competing is based on giving it all at all times.”

“I always said ‘I have to go back’, but for various reasons it wasn’t to be”, Nadal added.

“Now things have come together to make it possible. It’s on clay, which helps, and in any case it’s long overdue.

“I was excited about playing in the South American swing again and I’m sure it’ll be a fantastic experience.

“I don’t know about results, but emotionally it will be great to play in front of people who speak my language, people who are like brothers, in front of a crowd where I feel very at home.”

Rafa will play this week i Acapulco as seed no.1/ Let’s hope his knee will be fine!