Shapovalov’s mother and long time coach Tessa with his bio and videos

Denis Shapovalov ha always credited his mother Tessa for his success. This is her story and how she helped her son

Denis Shapovalov Mother Tessa

Denis Shapovalov is one of the most exciting young players on tour. The Canadian ace flaunts extremely watchable tennis that is making him one of the fans’ favorites. Denis is extremely aggressive with his serve and game at the net that is also helped by being left-handed.

Shapovalov’s mother Tessa and father

Denis has an interesting story. Born in Tel Aviv on April 15, 1999, he is the son of Russian-Israeli citizens Tessa Shapovalova and Viktor Shapovalov. Their parents moved to Canada when Denis was just 1-year-old. Denis’ mom was on the Russian national tennis team and she got a job as a tennis coach at the Richmond Hill Country Club where Shapovalov started to play. Eventually, Denis couldn’t get enough court time and his mother had the courage to leave her job and open her own tennis Academy in Vaughan called Tessa Tennis.

Tessa is still coaching at her Academy while Denis lives in the Bahamas. However, Denis’ mother keeps on traveling all over the world with her son even if they have hired former world no.8 Mikhail Youzhny as Shapovalov’s coach. Denis has always credited his mom for his success and Tessa often sees quite nervous watching Denis’ matches in the players’ boxes. After winning the 2nd round of the US Open (2020), Shapovalov admitted that his mother gets extremely nervous especially before his matches.

Shapovalov at the U.S. Open, ranking, and results in 2020

Denis Shapovalov Stats info

Ranked world no.17, the Canadian has a 9-8 win-loss record in 2020. Denis is participating at the U.S. Open where he toppled Sebastian Korda 6-4 4-6 6-3 6-2, Soon-Woo Kwon 6-75 6-4 6-4 6-2, Taylor Harry Fritz 3-6 6-3 4-6 7-65 6-2 and David Goffin 6-70 6-3 6-4 6-3.

Denis Shapovalov will face Carreno-Busta in the quarter. The head to head is 3-1 for Carreno-Busta.