Serena Williams’ husband left Reddit’s board for the love of his wife and daughter

Alexis explains why he got the decision of leaving the board of Reddit. VIDEO

Serena Williams husband Alexis Ohanian and daughter

Serena Williams’ husband Alexis Ohanian hit the headlines for leaving the board of Reddit, the popular social network that he has founded and that is accused of brewing racist communities.

After the killing of George Floyd, people in the US and all over the world have been demonstrating in the streets and social networks against racism, and Alexis decided that he had to do something about it. Therefore, after quitting Reddit’s board, he prompted the company to replace him with a black person.

Serena was obviously proud of her husband and she hosted him at a Serena Saturday’s IG Live session.

Ohanian and helping the cause

During the chat with Serena, Alexis revealed that he wanted to do something symbolic instead of “only” making donations. Therefore, leaving the board of Reddit in such a public way was something that he thought to be right. He was also deeply grateful for the fact that total strangers appreciated his action.

 “What are the things that I can do beyond donations.’ I have been so heartened by messages I have received from total strangers in business, in particular a number of Black men and women who found my email, or through a friend sent me a note, saying how much they appreciated the gesture simply because of all the rooms, all the board rooms, all the executive rooms they have walked into, where they have realized they have had to prove themselves,” he commented.

The love for Serena and Olympia

Alexis also stressed the fact that he left the board for the love of Serena and their daughter Olympia.

“I wanted to put as much weight behind the gesture as I could because I felt I owed it to you and I owed it to her. One of the things that really broke me at some point in the last week was looking at Olympia and she is such a pure blank canvas. She only knows love. There is not an ounce of hate in her body,” he commented.

He added that he couldn’t stand the fact that Olympia might face racism when she grows up.

“You know that at some point, Olympia is gonna have a talk with you, a talk with us, but especially a talk with you about how she’s gonna have to work that much harder, how she’s gonna have to deal with this much more. That pisses me off,” he added.

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Serena didn’t force Alexis to leave the board

Since the world is full of the so-called “haters,” Serena stressed that it was Alexis to take the decision to leave the board without any pressure from her. Serena has been targeted many times by racists remarks, but she has learned how to live with that.

“This is all Alexis, which is really cool. A lot of people may think that I told you to do something, or that I forced you, or that I was in your ear. He doesn’t listen to me ever [smiling]! So that’s not the case,” she commented.


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Serena Williams in 2020

Serena Williams Stats info

Currently the world no.9, Serena Williams played her last match on the 8th of February when she capitulated to Anastasija Sevastova 7-65 3-6 7-64 in the Rubber 4 of the Fed Cup.

Currently, this year Serena Williams has a 8-2 win-loss record. Serena clinched 1 title in Auckland.