Rafael Nadal has always conceded that he was struggling a lot from a mental point of view especially at the beginning when the Coronavirus pandemic started to have a grip on the world.

The Spanish sensation spent the lockdown in his house in Mallorca where he was glued to the grim news that was coming from all over the world. With the tennis stopped and the impossibility to go out, it was very difficult for Rafa to keep his cool.

As per the below video, Rafa talked in detail about his struggle stressing the fact that he found a better way to cope with the overall situation once he found his routine.

“It was honestly tough. That was my feelings. Waking up every day with all these terrible news. People suffering. All these families losing people without being able to say goodbye.

I am a sensitive person, so this is tough [for me]. It has been tough to accept but at the same time, I was not able to go out and entertain myself trying to forget about all this terrible situation. So I have been at home following the news, following every single thing.

Then I started to be different. I started not to watch the news every single moment. I just tried to find my routines and just trying to do my things every day,” he said.


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Rafael Nadal in 2020

Ranked no.2, the Spaniard played his last match on the 29th of February when he overcame Taylor Fritz 6-3 6-2 in the final in Acapulco to win his 85th career title.

During this season Rafael has a 13-3 win-loss record. Nadal clinched 1 title in Acapulco.

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