The ATP doesn’t back the US Open’s Monday final

Ahi ahi… we have a clash of titans here.

From one side we have the US Open organisation that is a bit obsessed by the super Saturday (alias women’s single final and men’s single semifinals), on the other we have the ATP that would like to see all slams adopting the same standards.

Why on Monday?

Recently the US Open governing body announced that i 2013 the men’s final would have been played on Monday  so as to allow the finalist to rest 1 more day in between (that’s why sensible.. isn’t it?) 

The ATP about the Monday’s final …

They didn’t take it nicely to release the following statement

“By modifying the schedule to allow a rest day between the semi-finals and the final, the U.S. Open has recognised the incredible physical demands of men’s tennis,” 

“However, the ATP and its players have made it clear to the U.S. Open that we do not support a Monday final.

“We strongly believe the US Open should keep a similar schedule to the other Grand Slams, with the men’s semi-finals completed by Friday and the final on Sunday.

“It is unfortunate the US Open response did not reflect our views on this issue and the ATP and its players will continue to pursue this matter in its discussions with the USTA.”

… and the prize money increase

The US Open organisation has also increased the prize money of another 4 million dollars. The ATP commented as follows 

“The prize money increase announced by the U.S. Open for 2013 is appreciated and, together with the 2012 increase, represents the largest increase by the U.S. Open since the ATP Tour began in 1990,” i

“However, over the last nine months the ATP and its players have asked that the U.S. Open fully recognise the fundamental role of the players in driving U.S. Open revenues, which are the largest in our sport.

“The ATP therefore remains committed to continuing discussions on this issue, with the objective of ensuring that the players’ share of the revenues at the U.S. Open truly reflects the value that they generate for the event.”

It does not seem to be much love between this two organisations…. isn’t it?