Federer says Brazil needs to improve its tennis facilities

Roger is having a wonderful time in Brazil. He is really helping to boost the sport in Latin America, he is entertaining his fans, he is giving smiles to underprivileged people and he is making lots of money (why not? 😉

Roger had also some interesting considerations about tennis in Brazil.

The passion for tennis

The Swiss Maestro is impressed by the passion for tennis in Brazil to say “There is a lot of passion for sports here. It’s a hot place to play tennis.”

Improve the facilities

Roger thinks that something has to be done in order to improve the facilities 

“I think some things need to be improved if you want to make sure the fans have the best experience possible. The international media will always make comparisons. You have to think big. Obviously the ATP sets high standards regarding facilities.”

About the crowd

The world no.2 was impressed by the crowd and the overall athmosphere to comment “This venue (Ibirapuera) is a little old and it needs to be bigger but the atmosphere is great and the fans incredible. There is no need to worry about that side of things.”

Interesting comments that have to be taken seriously for the development of tennis in Brazil.