Anderson to part ways from his tennis coach

Actually ranked as world no. 37, The South African wants to continue his ascent as much as he can.

With the help of Louis Vosloo, during the last 3 years Anderson moved from being around the 100th spot in the rankings to achieve a 29th career high rank. 

During the last 2 years Anderson won 2 titles. The first one in 2011 in Johannesburg and the second this year in Delray Beach.

The separation came from mutual consent and the two will remain in very good terms. (that’s always nice!)

From Anderson

“It’s been a great experience working with Louis. I feel like I have improved immensely under his guidance and will always respect and look up to him as a coach and a friend. He helped me grow as a person, both on and off the court. I wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”

From Vosloo

“We had three good years and really enjoyed it. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to help him move from 100 to 28th in the world. We both learned a lot from each other and will remain good friends.”

It is not yet clear who is going to coach Kevin from now on.

Here the Anderson’s interview about his win at the 2012 Delray Beach Final