John Newcombe criticizes Tomic for lack of commitment

Time to change for Bernard… 2012 has been not a good year to be harshly criticized by McEnroe (for tanking), by Hewitt  and now from Newcombe.

Tomic out of the real world

According to the Australian legend, John Newcombe, “Bernie’s out in the real world now and I don’t think he’s come to that conclusion,” Newcombe said. “He might have to hit rock bottom first and fall out of the Top 100. That can easily happen.”

Tomic has to committ

“Unless he’s prepared to devote 100 percent of time and effort to becoming as good as he could become, it doesn’t matter who his coach is. It’s going to fall apart,” Newcombe added . “The answer to Bernard is Bernard. Until he makes a decision on what he’s willing to do and draws a line in the sand and knuckles down, he’s not going to fulfill his full potential.

Too predictable

“I’m not sure also if he realizes that his game has become predictable. He had a different type of game that worked when he came on to the scene and guys had trouble dealing with it. Now they’ve figured out what he can and what he can’t do. They’re probing that and it’s making Bernie very uncomfortable in his matches, not realizing a way out of that. He can change that, but to play another type of game, he’s got to get his fitness up another 30 percent. Then he can start developing a more powerful game.” said Newcombe


It might be good also for him to stay out of trouble after his problems with the local authorities after his “supercar saga”  and a brawl

Another good way to get back would be not threatening journalists during interviews (see video 4.37)