Nadal may play the 2012 World Tour Finals in London

“Impossible? No. Difficult? Yes,” these are Rafa’s words about his return for the World Tour Finals.

“Let’s go day by day. After missing the Olympics and after missing the US Open I don’t want to make goals to play a tournament.

I want to go day by day in the gym and in the swimming pool to continue with my recovery. I’m trying not to think that far and take it day by day.”

No Retirement

The key phrase is “day by day”, but also for the above interview (sorry … it is in Spanish) it seems clear that Rafa has no intention at all to retire. 

About the tennis level

Rafa also expresses the concept that nothing changed at top level even after Murray ascension. 

“I really don’t see a big difference,” he said. “Even if Andy doesn’t win a Grand Slam before this US Open Andy was ready to win a Grand Slam. The level was no difference. Now that he won a Grand Slam that is not going to change my thoughts.”

We just can’t wait to see Rafa back in the Arena!

Vamos Rafa!