Wozniacki destroys Kanepi to win the 2012 WTA in Seoul

Great moment for Caroline. After launching her underwear line (well that was a great moment also for fans), the Danish beauty won the Seoul tournament in style… in great style.

It took barely 1 hour to dismiss Kanepi leaving her only 1 game. The match was incredibly one sided with Caroline winnin 56 vs 26. The incredible stuff is that Caroline won 17 out 18 points on her first serve and 20 points vs 28 points of Kanepi’s first serve. Actually, there is not much else to say.

“Today I did well at turning defence to offence and offence to defence. That’s actually a strength of mine. I’m very pleased with how everything turned out.” said the former world no.1. “I want to enjoy it and be positive so that’s what I’m thinking about right now,’ she added. I want to build up for the next season and hopefully my results this week will help me move forward and get back to playing my best.”

This is Caroline’s first title since August 2011. It’s time for her to get back to the top ten from her 11th poistion and then aim for something more.

Waiting for it!