Former Nr. 1 Carlos Moya retires from professional tennis

Former Nr1. Carlos Moya officially retires from professional tennis.

Moya won 20 ATP titles in his 15 years career long and he became the first Spaniard to grab the first spot in the world since the introduction of the ATP raking.
He won he 1998 French Open beating his countryman Alex Corretja and he was the 1997 runner up in the 1998 Australian Open.
“The reasons for my retirement due to a foot problem that I suffer for many years, osteoarthritis, from 20 years and operated on me to continue in April last year. I was seven or eight months out and I wanted try again.”
“I never got to recover. It went very well and because of that operation had side effects. I started having problems on the outside, a fracture, the tendon was also injured, and now 32 years there is no option.”
“I wanted to play major tournaments and saying goodbye, but I came to the tournament in Madrid, and although I was not 100% the desire I could. That game was not the dream and then I realized it was time.”