Shapovalov congratulates Haase after a tough loss

Denis was still happy after losing in Toronto. VIDEO

Denis Shapovalov didn’t have the run he was hoping for in Toronto.

After a couple of great wins in the first 2 rounds against Chardy and Fognini, the Canadian had a bad day in the 3rd round against Robin Haase to lose 7-5 6-2.

Robin did a good job today. SHAPOVALOV

Soon after the match, Denis was classy in defeat to say

“Robin did a good job today of really playing with my game, and he played me really smart today. Unfortunately, I had a bit of an off day, and those things happen.

It’s been a really good week,” Shapovalov said. “I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I really feel like I’ve found my game from, you know, from a couple of months ago. And I’m playing really well, you know, obviously except for today.”

Next step Cincinnati!