Why my joy for tennis is still big. FEDERER

At almost 37 years of age, Roger Federer is still the world no.2, and he has already won 3 tournaments this year. The Swiss sensation has to be more and more careful about his scheduling to preserve his body as much as he can, and sometimes he is criticized for skipping tournaments.

About Federer’s joy for tennis

Even if Roger has decided not to compete at the upcoming Rogers Cup in Toronto, the Swiss confirms that his love for tennis is very much intact to comment

“For me, it’s about something more than clashes with Nadal: it means health and tennis enjoyment.

The main goal is to win titles: that’s why numbers and records are secondary. It depends a lot also on what numbers. It’s very special to be there personally in the history of my favorite sport. As a kid, I would never think that I would be in the book’s records.

The goal was to be the best as possible, hoping to be on the biggest stages of the world, maybe meeting my idol. And yes, lifting a trophy on the air. But not to reach those numbers! That was (in) someway impossible for me.

That’s why my joy in tennis is still so big. Because inside, I always stayed on the ground, I know it: it’s not normal, it’s not reality. But I accept it, and I take it as a challenge to defend my titles or lift some trophies.”

Federer is widely expected to get back to competitions in Cincinnati (13th of August) where he has won the title 7 times.


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