Novak Djokovic won one of the most important slams of his great career a few days ago after triumphing in Wimbledon.

After 15 horrible months when everything looked lost, the Serbian legend has finally got back his mojo and his trademark drive to challenge (and beat) the very best of his sport. Nole has now won 13 slams and all of a sudden, he feels extremely confident to go for more at the upcoming US Open.

Why Djokovic is very optimistic about his US Open chances

After a recent interview, Nole commented

“I really can’t see the future. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I like to play on hard courts. The US Open was always a successful tournament for me. I didn’t play it last year because of injuries. I’m looking forward to going there and play my best and see where it takes me.

There were several moments where I was frustrated and questioned whether I could get back at the desired level or not. I am grateful to go through these mixed emotions, moments of doubt and disappointment and frustration, anger.”

Djokovic has won the US Open on 2 occasions (2011 and 2015), and he has reached the final 5 times.

Going for more?

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