GENTLEMAN. Why Federer keeps on wearing Nike

Roger Federer is in a funny situation.

The Swiss sensation is arguably the most popular athlete on the planet, and he doesn’t have a clothing sponsor anymore.

Roger’s contract with Nike expired in March, and it is not clear what it is going to happen. There are rumors that Uniqlo has offered a gigantic sum to the Maestro, but apparently, Roger hasn’t taken a decision yet.

Why Roger is still playing with NIKE

Usually, when players are in this kind of situation, they opt for playing with “anonymous” shirts. This is not the case of Roger that explained why he is still playing with Nike.

During the press conference following his victorious match against Guido Pella in Stuttgart, Federer revealed

“As long as I don’t have a new contract with a clothing sponsor, I continue wearing Nike, which has been a good partner for 20 years.”
