‘I am looking forward to retirement’. FEDERER

Roger Federer has been enjoying an amazing career. The Swiss Maestro has won 97 titles, 20 slams, and he has broken a score of record. The last achievement was to return to be the world no.1 to be the oldest man in history to achieve that. At 36 years of age, Roger is obviously thinking about his retirement, and he is not really scared about that.

I am looking forward to It. FEDERER

During a recent interview with the CNN, Roger commented

“I got a little glimpse into it when I was out for six to eight months in 2016, and I actually enjoyed it a lot!

I’ll never get bored, so I’m looking forward to it actually.

I have a great group of friends around me, in particular, my wife and parents are amazing, so I always know I’ll be fine once I retire and when I’m home.

Times are great at the moment as a tennis player. These are great moments.”

Still early Roger, still early.


STILL NO.1     
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