Federer and Bill Gates launch charity event with hilarious video

At the beginning of the month Belinda Bencic said that he couldn’t have a better partner to win the Hopman Cup: Roger Federer.

On a completely different level, Bill Gates as the same luck to play (and be mentored) by Roger Federer in their Match for Africa 5 that will take place in San Jose the 5th of March.

Federer’s statement

Roger commented

“I believe in the power of people. We know that a good education is a decisive factor to empower children by allowing them to take their future into their own hands. With my foundation, we want to provide one million children with the opportunity for a quality education by the end of 2018.

The Match for Africa 5 in San Jose will help us reach our ambitious goals. I am very grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with Bill Gates, who in my opinion is the world’s leading philanthropist.”


The video that they use to promote the event is absolutely hilarious!

Good stuff!