Kyrgios plays basketball soon after retiring from Atlanta

Nick Kyrgios has recently stated that he was sad for not defending the title in Atlanta because of his hip injury, but soon after he was spotted playing mixed basketball in Canberra.

The statement

When retiring from Atlanta, Nick released the following statement

“Having to make the decision not to defend my title at the BB&T Atlanta Open was really tough and disappointing.

We were very hopeful up to the last moment that my hip could respond and allow me to compete at the highest level, but unfortunately, it’s just not ready. I hope all of the fans in Atlanta know that I wish I could have returned to win again, and hopefully, I will be able to do so in the future.”

Was that the right decision?

It’s not clear how intense was Nick in playing basketball, but still.. that doesn’t seem to be the right way to recover. Usually, when a professional tennis player is recovering from an injury, his mind should stay on tennis, not on other sports.

The good news is that Nick has confirmed with a tweet that he will be able to compete in Washington. Let’s see his conditions.