Nadal asks to publish his anti-doping tests

Rafael Nadal wants to make it clear: he is 100% clean!

The Spanish sensation has just sued for defamation former French minister Roselyne Bachelot, and now he wants to publish his anti-doping tests.


The letter

Rafa wrote to the ITF President David Haggerty (the same day he sued Bachelot) “I know how many times I am tested, on and off competition,” Nadal wrote. “Please make all my information public. Please make public my biological passport, my complete history of anti-doping controls and tests. From now on I ask you to communicate when I am tested and the results as soon as they are ready from your labs. I also encourage you to start filing lawsuits if there is any misinformation spread by anyone.”

ITF. Nadal has never been suspended

The ITF released the following statement “The ITF can confirm that Mr. Nadal has never failed a test under the TADP and has not been suspended at any time for an anti-doping rule violation or for any other reason related to the TADP.”

100% EFFORT – 300% CLEAN