WTA boss Stacey Allaster to step down

Stacey Allaster has been working very hard as the head to WTA to perform a really great job under her 6 years’ tenure.

The Canadian did strike great deals to bring $1bn in revenues to the WTA in media deals and she has secured a great partnership with Singapore for the season’s finale (2014 – 2018). Stacey was an incredible role model for the entire industry.

Why is she resigning?

Even if she achieved so much, Stacey wasn’t happy with her work-life balance “I don’t want you writing an obituary that Allaster had a stroke or a heart attack.

A good friend said to me, ‘Stace, all the money in the world is not worth it.’ And you know it’s a statement we all take for granted, but if you don’t have your health, you have nothing. And I want to make sure I’m healthy for my kids and my husband.”

Stacey had a wake-up call after the death of both her brother in law and Drewett (the boss of ATP).

Allaster will step up the 2nd of October.

Life goes on… by the way… well done!