Federer: Eye-Hawk is not 100% accurate

Roger Federer has always had a difficult relationship with the eye-hawk. The world no.2 has never been a huge fan since the introduction back in 2007. During a recent interview Roger shared his doubts about the real effectiveness of system.

Federer: It’s not 100% accurate …

Roger commented “What I struggle with is I don’t think it’s 100 percent accurate. Let’s say 99 percent, fine. It’s still not 100 percent, in my opinion. I still see calls I don’t quite understand,” 

… why are we playing when it is not available ?…

Then he added “What I don’t understand is if we have Hawk-eye, why do we keep playing at night when Hawk-eye is not available anymore? That’s where I disagree with supervisors or tournaments, that they push it too far every single time. We’ve seen it happen every single night in the last few days when I’ve been watching tennis… Hawk-eye is not available, but the players keep playing. That’s exactly maybe when it comes to the crunch, you need it, in my opinion.

I just think play should stop when Hawk-eye is not available anymore.”

… it is still nice to have it

Finally the Maestro concluded that at the end of the day it’s a good system “But it’s fine to have it because you don’t want to lose at Wimbledon because of one bad call or a missed call by someone.”