PICTURES. Grigor Dimitrov and girlfriend Madalina Ghenea pay visit to Wimbledon

Grigor Dimitrov and his new girlfriend Madalina Ghenea have been posting photos and videos of their first trip to Wimbledon together.

Dimitrov And His New Girlfriend

Recently, Grigor Dimitrov and his stunning new girlfriend Madalina Ghenea revealed pictures from their first trip to Wimbledon together. On their social media accounts, Dimitrov and Ghenea are frequently seen posting lovely photos and videos. The two got to know one another while playing on clay courts, when Ghenea could be seen supporting a tennis player from Bulgaria from his box during the Madrid Open and the Italian Open.

On his Instagram story on Tuesday, June 13, Dimitrov posted a few images of them in Wimbledon Village.

Dimitrov Posing With His Girlfriend


Dimitrov And His Girlfriend

Grigor Dimitrov in 2023

Grigor Dimitrov

32 - 11win/loss

I Hard
33 year old
2024 Highlights

Now the world no.26, Grigor played his last match on the 5th of June when he capitulated to world no.23 Alexander Zverev 6-1 6-4 6-3 in the 4th round of the French Open (draw).

At the moment, during this season the Bulgarian has a compiled 18-11 win-loss record. Grigor Dimitrov’s best accomplishment of the current year was reaching the final in Geneva.

He is also scheduled to play in Eastbourne (Rothesay International) on the 26th of June and Wimbledon (Wimbledon) on the 3rd of July.

French Open
Dimitrov's Record