Australian Open changes the heat policy

One of the biggest problems at the Australian Open his combating the extreme heat. Sometimes we have rather extreme situations that can jeopardize the health of players and fans.

Last year  was particularly harsh with many players criticizing how the situation was handled.

From the organization

Craig Tyler, the charismatic Australian Open tournament  director, said that they are going to implement new measures giving less discretion to the referees  “The heat policy, as always, will be applied at the referee’s discretion. The decision on implementing the heat policy will take into account the forecast once the ambient temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, and the Wet Bulb Global Temperature reading exceeds 32.5.

When conditions exceed these levels the referee is taking into account the forecast and state of play when making his discretionary call.”

No heat waves in 2015

Fortunately there are good news for Mr. Tyler as next January will not be expected to be as hot as last year’s “At this stage it’s looking like a normal summer, perhaps slightly warmer, with only one day hitting around 40 degrees, and little or no rain forecast,” said meteorologist Bob Leighton

Dancevic allucinations in Australian Open