RETRO. Emma Raducanu gorgeous in 1965 Porsche 911 pictures

Porsche's brand ambassador is the British sensation. Emma Raducanu appeared in a number of amazing vintage photos alongside a Porsche 911. T

Emma Raducanu Retro 911

Emma Raducanu is spending the offseason trying to get back her fitness after a rough 2022 and doing some promotions. The British sensation is the brand ambassador for Porsche. She appeared in a series of fantastic retro pictures with a Porsche 911. Here are some of them.


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Emma Raducanu in 2022

Emma Raducanu

20 - 13win/loss

21 year old
2024 Highlights

Currently the world no.75, Raducanu played her last match on the 4th of October when she lost to world no.8 Darya Kasatkina 7-5 6-4 in the 1st round in Ostrava (draw).

At present, during this year Emma has achieved an overall 17-19 record. Emma Raducanu’s most significant result of the current year was getting to the semifinal in Seoul.

Raducanu's Record