The Swiss Armada implodes in Rome: Wawrinka upset by Haas

Tough luck for Swiss players in Rome.

Roger Federer has just crashed out in the opener against Chardy and Wawrinka is now upset by Tommy Haas in the third round.

During the match Stanislas Wawrinka once again showed he struggles at times with his confidence level. The Swiss was 1 set and 1 break up (7-5 2-1) to suddenly lose 7 consecutive games and find himself in the decider. In the third set the Tommy Haas took full advantage of his experience to always keep his cool during his service games while Stan was really battling. Eventually the German got the decisive break in the 8th game to win 5-7 6-2 6-3. The match ended after 2 hours with Tommy winning 99 points vs. Wawrinka’s 75.

Haas:  you have to stay focus.

Tommy was 100% elated by his win to comment  “You have to be focused and line up the ball really well. You have to be mentally ready before you come in, then when you hit the shot you have to have the right footwork and know which side to cover. These guys are so fast these days and they have so much power. They can pass you from anywhere. “

At 36 years of that is not that bad.