Djokovic defeated Nadal in the Miami final!!!

It’s official! Djokovic is the man to beat in 2011
The Serb got his 4th tournament and has a positiving winning streak of 24 matches this year.
The final of Miami was undoubtedly the most challenging game for him since on the other side there was the world nr.1 in top form.
At the beginning Nadal looked to be the favorite because of the weather conditions. Djokovic is known to struggle in hot climates and it was quite hot…But funny enough it was Nadal that was really struggling at the end of the match.
Let’s get to the game. As per last few matches, Djokovic did not have a fabulous start. He was broken twice at the beginning of the first set to find himself immediately down 1-4 (and losing the opener 6-4), then he managed to found his zone to clinch the second set (6-3) and to go to decider.
The third set eventually went to the tie break where the Serb won it at 4.
Djokovic commented: ‘I found my rhythm in the second set and played well, especially on my service games. It was one of the best matches I have played for a long time. I think everybody enjoyed it, even us playing. It was very close, and, up to the last stroke, we really didn’t know which way it’s going to go. I wanted to make him play an extra shot, not to give him a lot of free points and try to get some free points out of the serve, which wasn’t happening to start with.’
The he added ‘We both had to work for each point, especially in the third set. It was an amazing final.”
On the other side Nadal commented ‘I had nothing left in my body at the end.’ he said. ‘It was very hot out there and I was seriously tired. I sweat like crazy. Ten T-shirts today. But I love these kind of matches. For sure, I prefer to win, but . . . it’s OK. What Novak is doing now is fantastic. Winning four big titles . . . he’s playing with much confidence. He’s a great champion. One thing, you can be sure, he’s a very good tennis player.’