Marion Bartoli back to the Fed Cup!

This is a very good news. Actually it was a kind of weird the situation.

In fact, the French no.1 didn’t play for her team in the Fed Cup for 9 years. The reason was a bit “freakish” as she put as a condition that her father (and coach) would have to been by her during the competition (!!!???) which is against of the rule. 

Recently Amelie Mauresmo said that she could not have called back Marion because she was “incompatible” with the team. Here the video… for French speaking people

The announcement

Finally they got to an agreement! 

“It’s a great thing for everyone involved,” said Amelie

“Marion came to me after her defeat in the third round of the Australian Open with a wish to take a step towards returning to the French team, telling me that she was ready to re-intregate into the set-up. Today that step is taken,”  added  Mauresmo.

About the father’s presence

“I can confirm that Marion’s father won’t be there with us during the week of preparation,” said Mauresmo.”Loved ones, family members and trainers can come from Thursday evening to support them, and that has never been a problem”

France and the Fed Cup

France won the Fed Cup in 1997 and 2003 and Amelie Mauresmo was pivotal to win in both occasions. Can she make it again as a captain?