David Ferrer to be ranked world no.3 after Wimbledon!

We have been talking about the Big 4 for sometime. We may think again about that.

When Rafa was out to recover from his injury David Ferrer became world no.4. David has always been incredibly humble to say that he wasn’t feeling as a real no.4. You know what? now that Rafa is back, Ferrer is not even world no.4, but he will climb as the new world no.3!

From David

So a very tired, but happy, David Ferrer talked about some rest “I will take two weeks of holiday, sure, and I will have to treatment my ankle, because the USA season is very important for me. I think I have never been three weeks or four weeks stop playing any tournament. So now is perfect for to rest. I am 31 years old and I need to take my time.”

Good stuff!