Leander Paes badly slammed by critics for his movie

Unlucky Leander… but it was worth trying.

Paes tried a brave move to act in a Bollywood movie. At the end end of the day… he is a person that can adapt to many different courts and environments, he will turn forty this year… so… why not trying?

Unfortunately the critics were really harsh on the movie and on Paes… maybe a bit too unforgiving.

“Worst Movie ever”

Rajdhani Express may be the year’s first release but it is already in the running for the worst film of the year. Or ever,” said the Mumbai Mirror

“Watching Rajdhani Express. Leander Paes is (unintentionally) hilarious. Should have been in a Rohit Shetty film,” said trade analyst Joginder Tuteja

Rajdhani Express: Pace not the problem, Paes is,” wrote The Hindu.

Rajdhani Express is a train wreck,” headlined the Rediff 

Auch… maybe better playing some more doubles for the time being… but it was good giving it a shot… he gave some many (and successfully) in tennis…